Eternal Dynasties
Eternal Scorpion
Eternal Scorpion 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
15,00 €
Sand Vultures
Sand Vultures 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
15,00 €
Ancient Wadjets
Ancient Wadjets 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
15,00 €
Eternal Pharaoh on Chariot
Eternal Pharaoh on chariot 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
17,00 €
Eternal Pharaoh Banner
Eternal Pharaoh's banner 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
4,50 €
Scarab Swarm
Scarab Swarm 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
4,50 €
Eternal Prince
Eternal Prince 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
4,50 €
Eternal Priest
Eternal Priest 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
4,50 €
Anubis Guards
Anubis Guards 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
15,00 €
Ancient Guards on great Snakes
Ancient guards on great snakes 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
15,00 €
Pharaoh's Funeral Ship
Pharaoh's funeral Ship 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
25,00 €
Ancient Skeletal Colossi
Ancient Skeletal Colossi 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
25,00 €
Ancient Stone Thrower
Ancient Stone Thrower 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
25,00 €
Ancient Guard Chariot Driver
Ancient Guard Chariot Driver 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
4,50 €
Ancient skeletal Chariot
Ancient Skeletal Chariot 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
29,50 €
Ancient skeletal Cavalry with spears
Ancient Cavalry with spears 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
45,00 €
Ancient skeletal Cavalry with Bows
Ancient Cavalry with Bows 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
45,00 €
Ancient Guards with swords
Ancient Guards with swords 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
25,00 €
Ancient Guards with halberds
Ancient Guards with halberds 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
25,00 €
Ancient Skeletons withbows
Ancient Skeletons with bows 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
25,00 €
Ancient Skeletons with hand weapons
Ancient Skeletons with hand weapons 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
37,50 €
Ancient Skeletons with Spears
Ancient Skeletons with spears 32 mm (Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warlords of Erehwon, Kings of War) Impression 3D résine Resin printed
37,50 €