Night Sky miniatures
Char Vickers 6-ton Finlandais
Vickers 6-Ton Echelle 28 mm (Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Battlegroup) Impression 3D 28 mm Finnish Vickers 6-ton for Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Battlegroup Resin printed
Cuisine de Campagne Finlandaise
Cuisine de campagne Finlandais Echelle 28 mm (Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Battlegroup) Impression 3D 28 mm Finnish field Kitchen for Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Battlegroup Resin printed
Aerosan NKL-16
Aerosan NKL-16 Echelle 28 mm (Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Battlegroup) Impression 3D 28 mm Aerosan NKL-16 for Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Battlegroup Resin printed
Char T-28 Echelle 28 mm (Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Battlegroup) Impression 3D 28 mm T-28 tank for Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Battlegroup Resin printed
Stug 3 "Pig noze"
Char Stug 3 "pig noze" Echelle 28 mm (Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Battlegroup) Impression 3D 28 mm Stug 3 tank for Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Battlegroup Resin printed